Vessels Of Honor

About Us
Vessels of Honor is an evangelistic outreach program, operating under Amazing Grace Faith Church and currently operating in Uganda.
Our mandate is to preach the gospel through meeting the physical needs of those in need.
Our passion is to restore hope and dignity to those in need.

Our Vision
Revealing Jesus to our world.
Our Mission
To preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through providing physical aid to the world around us, by;
- Feeding the hungry.
- Quenching the thirsty.
- Housing the homeless.
- Clothing the naked.
- Visiting the sick and those in prison, in obedience to Matthew 25:36-40.
What We Do
Charity Work
Life can take unpleasant turns sometimes leaving the victims hopeless, traumatized and even depressed. With our intervention at such times, we show that there’s a God who is touched by the feelings of our infirmities. (Hebrews 4:15)
We demonstrate the heart of the Father towards His people in practical terms. Jesus, in Matthew 25:35-40 showed us that it is not enough to love in word but also in deed. In His words, He confirms to us that whatsoever good we do unto God’s people we have done unto Him. Therefore, we at Vessels of Honour have purposed to reach out to those around us whenever it hurts thereby illustrating and extending the Kingdom of heaven here on earth. We show the world that Jesus not only loves them but that He cares for them too. Remember, people will not know how much you love them until they see how much you care.
Crisis response and Disaster Relief
Natural disasters are always devastating leaving their victims in a very hopeless state to a point of questioning the love of God if there’s no timely intervention. Our response teams restore hope to the affected people and communities by being a source of physical help in form of basic needs like; food, water, shelter, clothing and medical supplies. (Matthew 6:32-32)
Jesus not only ministered to the spiritual needs of the people but he cared for their physical needs as well. Yes, He preached the gospel of the kingdom to them, healed the sick, opened blind eyes and cleansed the lepers. However, He also fed the hungry crowds and provided wine at a wedding; He ministered to their physical needs!
Child Education Initiative (CEI)
Education is what provides children with the foundation they need to succeed in life. The right to education is a human right. Therefore, every child has a right to learn and access quality education services so as to fulfill their potential
However, children in developing countries such as Uganda face many challenges in accessing quality basic education. Costs associated with education account for 6 out of 10 persons leaving school.
Therefore, we at Vessels of Honour, through our Child Education Initiative, collaborate with partners and child sponsors to ensure that our children comfortably attend and stay in school at an average monthly cost of USD 75$ per child, providing for their learning materials as well as caring for their personal wellbeing.
Our vision is to provide quality education to the less fortunate children in the vulnerable communities of Uganda.

Irene Muhumuza
Head, Vessels Of Honor

Aisha Kyamagero Musuubuire
Coordinator, Vessels Of Honor
V.O.H Gallery